Our Work
What Do We Do?
The Bertie Bottle Campaign was set up by a family in Northamptonshire in 2018, who wanted to make a positive difference to their local environment. Bertie Bottle was originally created by their daughter for a school project and has been developed into an environmental campaign, focusing on the problem with litter.

The Problem with Litter Children's Book
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The family want to show that everyone, young and old, can make small positive changes which can, in turn, have an enormously beneficial impact.
Some of the projects Bertie Bottle has created and been involved with are highlighted below.

Litter Picking
The Bertie Bottle Campaign regularly litter pick in their local area.
Julie, is a Litter Heroes Ambassador for Keep Britain Tidy.

Community Litter Picks
The Bertie Bottle Campaign set up Community Litter Picks which have been running since 2019. The litter picks take place monthly and are well attended by local residents.
The Bertie Bottle Campaign is active in getting local businesses involved and ensuring their workplaces are free of litter.

Talks / Events / Campaigning
The Bertie Bottle Campaign believe that educating the future generation regarding the problems litter causes is important in permanently eradicating litter from our environment.
The Bertie Bottle Campaign provide talks to local children's groups and also take part in local events to highlight the problem with litter.
Everyone can make a different!
The Bertie Bottle Campaign contact companies and organisations to highlight the problems with litter and how they can actively improve the local area with positive action.

Book Reading and Craft
The Bertie Bottle Campaign visits local libraries, schools, pre-schools and community groups